داستان آبیدیک

return on assets


1 اقتصاد:: بازده دارایی ها، بازده دارایی ها

The last contribution is that we use different complementary measures of bank risk: the asymmetric Z-score, applying the real distribution of the Return on Assets (ROA) variable, and the Distance to Default (DD) measure. To avoid such drawbacks, the real distribution of banks' ROA is considered. Dividing by total assets, the probability of default is Pr[ − C] = Pr[ROA − COA], where ROA is the Returns-On-Assets random variable and COA is the Capital-On-Assets ratio (Boyd and Runkle, 1993; Hannan and Hanweck, 1988). To provide a simple formula, Boyd and Run- kle (1993) and Hannan and Hanweck (1988) suggested considering a normal distribution for the ROA random variable.،The last contribution is that we use different complementary measures of bank risk: the asymmetric Z-score, applying the real distribution of the Return on Assets (ROA) variable, and the Distance to Default (DD) measure. To avoid such drawbacks, the real distribution of banks' ROA is considered. Dividing by total assets, the probability of default is Pr[𝜋 − C] = Pr[ROA − COA], where ROA is the Returns-On-Assets random variable and COA is the Capital-On-Assets ratio (Boyd and Runkle, 1993; Hannan and Hanweck, 1988). To provide a simple formula, Boyd and Run- kle (1993) and Hannan and Hanweck (1988) suggested considering a normal distribution for the ROA random variable.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: بازده دارایی

acquiring firm's fundamental financial performance (measured as return on assets, return of improved industry-adjusted return on assets (ROA). transforming companies (48%) started from a strong base (defined as ROA above the More than two-thirds (68%) of poor performers increased ROA during on the basis of the change in industry-adjusted return on assets (ROA) reported 2 years

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

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